Game Director Benoit Lambert on Batman comparisons, Ubisoft recruitment drives and the Ponte di Rialto.
Go on, mate. Say “shit-eater” for us.
The creators of Hitman try their hands at pint-sized Oriental cuddliness. VGD tosses a shuriken at the Xbox 360 version.
Getting the juice out of Bungie’s not-really-an-expansion-pack.
The origins of the genre. Maze War, Castle Wolfenstein and (of course) Doom.
Nearly eight whole minutes of melodrama and damage points.
New PSP trailer heavy on style and technical brawn, light on making sense.
OMG, basically.
Going in hot. We can see your house from here – and we’re packing SPARTAN lasers…
Pathological attention seeker gets videogame outing.
Has Evolution Studios edged out the competition?
The Fab Four’s secrets revealed.
Achievement Points are why God invented the Pagani Zonda.
We have seen the future, and it contains b008i3s.
The knight is darkest just before the dawn.
Manny Brown confesses his fondness for shiny sphincters.
Polyphony Digital’s long-awaited purist roadster leaves the garage, but can Gran Turismo keep pace with modern motors?
Splash Damage coughs up pics of barbed wire, robots, tattoos.
Features some punk who’s apparently a bit daft.
Come and have a go if you think you’re ‘ard enough.
“I can taste colours!”
Witness the awesomeness.
World War II resumes as Raven Software drags the mighty Wolfenstein franchise from its crypt. We go for the headshot.
Because SCEE couldn’t be arsed to write it themselves.
Kicks eight shades of armor-plating out of Halo, or so it probably wishes.