Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (26th December 2009 in North America, February 2010 in Europe)
Pros: You get to use the Gravity Gun on a bunch of chocobos.
Cons: Stupidly long title. Waggle-tastic.
LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias (Out now!)
Pros: Bipolar blower-and-blown-upon gameplay is still fairly unique.
Cons: David Braben and his dislike for second-hand game sales.
Excitebike: World Rally (Out now!)
Cons: Old.
New Super Mario Bros Wii (Out now!)
Pros: Presence of other players.
Cons: Presence of other players.
Sexy Poker (Out now!)
Pros: “Suggestive Themes”.
Cons: Too much suggestion, not enough actual nudity.