Itotooshi (糸通し) has already been downloaded more than 10 million times by Japan’s keitai users, and now it’s attempting to sew up the iPhone audience with similar success. It’s one of the simplest, most frustratingly difficult mobile games out there: you just press a button on the screen to elevate a flying thread and aim to guide it through the eyes of various needles. It’s a bit like GBA classic Dotstream, only without the racing element. Or the music. Or the colour … OK, that was a tenuous link.
Anyway, the great news if you’re accessing the UK app store is that a few days ago Itotooshi was simul-released worldwide under the title of Thread & Needles, so you can get it right now – for FREE! – just by clicking here. 10 million Japanese players can’t be wrong… can they?! There’s only one way to find out.