There’s a lot to be said for buying in bulk, though it doesn’t always work out (just ask Manchester City fans). With that in mind, I trawled through the infinite pages of Yahoo! Auctions to find some of the best job lot game auctions on the site. Here are some of the best and worst deals I clicked on:
100 PlayStation games – no duplicates, all with instructions, some missing their spine cards – for a starting price of 3,800 yen and with a Buy It Now of 7,800 yen.
300 Super Famicom cassettes for a starting price of 15,000 yen – that’s 50 yen per game, but most of them are probably pachinko simulators…
200 Famicom cassettes for a starting price of 10,000 yen – same deal as above.
400 Super Famicom cassettes for a starting price of 20,000 yen. OK, let’s move on.
100 Super Famicom cassettes for 3,000 yen? That’s more like it – the photos show you exactly what you’re getting, and what you’re getting includes F-Zero, Star Fox, DQV and FFVI!
And at the other end of the pitch:
100 rare Famicom games, all boxed and everything… for 80,000-120,000 yen! Hey, if you like your games mint…
More than 100 Mega Drive titles for a starting price of 262,000 yen, for which you could very possibly buy a car.