Undead Knights Review

If there’s one thing more exciting than re-murdering armies of the undead, it’s creating new ones and having them do your bidding, right? Well…

By Rupert Higham, March 1, 2010

You come across a number of rudimentary puzzles throughout the 20 levels and they’re typically a matter of pointing your reticule at the obstacle and sending the required number of zombies to do your bidding, but like the rest of the game, they are frequently repeated. Undead Knights doesn’t suffer from repetition as much as the first half of the game suggests (the first ten levels are mindlessly repetitive) but even when they do introduce a slightly wider range of enemies and boss strategies later on, they fail to inject the game with much depth.

Though you will encounter a few generic over-sized monsters, the majority of enemies are these yellow guards that are only ever two hits away from becoming a zombie.

Though you will encounter a few generic over-sized monsters, the majority of enemies are these yellow guards that are only ever two hits away from becoming a zombie.

Curiously the in-game achievement system suggests that that repeated play with multiple characters is encouraged, with one of them even unlocking after 100 hours of play. Unfortunately this game is no way near technical or engaging enough to satisfy a single play through, let alone the number of repeat sessions needed to rack up a century of hours.


"Go on Boys", commands Sylvia, sounding more like a mob boss than royalty.

In the twilight of the PSPs years we have seen many titles really push the limitations of the hardware. Undead Knights is not one of these games. It’s not fundamentally flawed from a conceptual point of view, but it is so poorly executed that is hard to spot the few redeeming features through the uninspired direction, lifeless combat system and insipid level design. Controlling armies of the undead really shouldn’t be this dreary.

4 out of 10

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4 Responses to “Undead Knights Review”

  1. Good work chap. Shame about this – I thought it had definite potential from our interview last year. https://games.kikizo.com/features/interview-whats-next-from-tecmo-p1.asp

  2. Adrian says:

    Ouch……. tecmo = Team NINJA not the other twats

  3. Rupert Higham says:

    Team Ninja are certainly responsible for everything decent to come out of Tecmo over the last 15 years or so. It will interesting to see how they fair without their colourful leader.


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